Safe 1

Routing #: 322273609

Estate Planning Workshop

When many people hear the words “estate planning,” they immediately think of a wealthy individual or family living in a mansion who has inherited millions of dollars. The fact of the matter, however, is you don’t have to be a Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gates or Kardashian to take advantage of such financial vehicles.

Join Dustin Weaver, Financial Advisor for Moneywise Wealth Management, and Kevin Danley, Partner with The Law Offices of Young Wooldridge, LLP, as they cover the need for careful attention when it comes to managing an estate and conserving your assets. Estate planning fundamentals, challenges, distribution techniques, important documentation and current tax laws will all be covered in this free, informative workshop being held in-person and via live stream on:

Wednesday, March 19th, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Bakersfield College – Southwest Campus, located at 9400 Camino Media

If you are interested in attending, please call (877) 723-3128 or send an email to [email protected] to secure your spot. Please provide the name(s) of attendee(s), a contact phone number, and how you plan to attend – in-person or live stream.

This workshop is provided by Safe 1 Credit Union, Moneywise Wealth Management, and The Law Offices of Young Wooldridge, LLP. Hope to see you there!